Rowan Magazine
Rowan Magazine
Summer reading for beach, bedtime and a break from routine
Just in time to slow down this summer or rev up for fall, our latest issue wraps up what was and what's to come.
To read the magazine cover-to-cover, open this PDF. Or jump in wherever you'd like:
- See our photo essay about our big Centennial celebration.
- Get a glimpse of the next decade—new buildings, new programs and new opportunities for learning, discovery and progress.
- Learn about Rowan's $2.9 billion statewide economic impact, plus more about innovation and achievement in arts, business, biomedical engineering, history and other disciplines in Campus News (PDF).
- As usual, our most popular section, Class Notes (PDF), has hundreds of updates and photos, plus a profile on New Jersey's teacher of the year.
- And finish—or maybe start—with AfterWords on p. 56. Who is your Jack Gillespie?

Photo essay (PDF link)
Photos by Jen Green, Tim Hawk, Jonathan Kolbe, Kevin Monko,
Mitch Muhlbaier, Avi Steinhardt and Craig Terry

The next big decade
by Kim Mulford ’94, with Barbara Baals, Steve Levine ’87, M’07 and Jon Hartley

New University College has the road map and resources for student success